Government Grant Specialist Richard Wraith Appointed Partner

July 2023

Matthews Steer Accountants and Advisors is pleased announce the promotion of Richard Wraith from Senior Principal, Innovation and Grants, to Partner.

Richard joined the Essendon-based accounting and advisory firm in March 2022, bringing with him an outstanding reputation for providing strategic government grants advice and business funding application support, helping clients secure more than $200-million in government funding over the course of his 15 years specialising in the space.

He has since been instrumental in leading and professionally developing Matthews Steer’s Innovation and Grants team and expanding and evolving the firm’s government grants advisory offering.

Richard’s government funding advisory work spans a broad range of industries that align with Matthews Steer’s portfolio including manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, engineering, agriculture, mining, technology, software, chemicals, health sciences, and electronics, and has supported clients to secure funding across the manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, engineering, agriculture, mining, technology, software, chemicals, health sciences, and electronics, and renewable energy industries.

Matthews Steer founder and Chief Executive, Ken Matthews, said Richard’s breadth of government grants knowledge, and his frontline industry experience, perfectly position him to support the firm’s clients to navigate the complex government grants application ecosystem.

“Richard is a highly skilled professional, with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of federal and state government funding,” said Ken. “His ethical approach, integrity and knowledge make him a great asset to our executive team.

“He has been influential in growing on our firm’s outstanding reputation to professionals and clients, and is building the capability of our government grants advisory team with high-calibre people.”

Richard said the current range of business grant programs presents a significant opportunity to Australian businesses. “In the face of rising inflation, Australian businesses need support more than ever to innovate, launch and grow,” he said.

“Applying for state or federal government funding for a business can feel daunting, but with expert guidance and support, securing a grant is achievable and can play a significant part in achieving your business goals.”

Established in 1990, North West Melbourne’s preeminent business consultants Matthews Steer has evolved from a one-man practice, to a firm of nine partners, two associates, one senior principal, and more than 60 staff, working across a suite of accounting and taxation advisory, wealth management and business advisory services.

To learn more about how state and federal government grants can offer your business strategic advantages, call 03 9325 6300 or email

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