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News + Insights
From 1 January 2025 significant changes will take effect, expanding the scope statewide and altering the tax structure.
It was a wonderful way to conclude our 2025 Success Stories Breakfast events with Susan Alberti joining us to share her story of triumph in the face of adversity.
Daniel Trifunovic has been named Matthews Steer Employee of the Year at our annual RER (Recognise, Encourage, Reward) Gala Awards night at the RACV Club Melbourne.
Beginning with the 2023-24 income year, non-charitable Not For Profit (NFP) organisations with an active ABN are required to lodge an annual NFP self-review return to self-assess their income tax exemption.
For the first time in three years, both the concessional and non-concessional caps will increase on 1 July 2024.
What do we know about ATO private group tax reviews and what steps can be taken to ensure you are prepared when the time comes.
The lead-up to the EOFY can be a good time to review your financial situation and consider how to take advantage of the available tax concessions on super contributions. These super and tax strategies could maximise your retirement savings and legitimately minimise your tax bill.
Join our Head of Grants & Innovation, Dr Richard Wraith on a free webinar with Melbourne’s North Food Group as he delves into the current funding available to food manufacturing businesses, including Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants, the R&D tax incentive and the recently announced Future Made in Australia Act.
Bertocchi Chairman, Tony De Domenico OAM, joined us to share share his experience of working with the leading manufacturer of continental smallgoods in Australia.
A founding partner of Matthews Steer, Ken Matthews is stepping down from his position as Managing Director to focus on other areas of the business. Matthews Steer is pleased to announce the appointment of David Reid as new CEO.
Medical Devices Grant Fund Round 12 now closed.
Having helped many of our clients prepare for and execute a sale these are the 7 key steps that we know pave the way for the best outcome.
Applications are now closed for the Coles Nurture Fund.
After almost 34 years and an incredible journey with Matthews Steer, Geoff is embarking on his next great challenge – retirement.
The ATO is now taking a stricter approach for overdue business tax debts or outstanding lodgments.
Grant applications now closed. The Victorian Government released two new business grants – 1. Made in Victoria – Manufacturing Growth Program. 2. Made in Victoria – Energy Technologies Manufacturing Program.
Matthews Steer is thrilled to announce our gold sponsorship at the Victorian Manufacturing Showcase 2023.
Charity Car Show on Sunday November 19th to support Amber's White Light, who advocate for and fund research into prevention of youth mental health and suicide.
Gareth Hearnden from Norman Carriers joined us for another morning of great discussion and the hospitality Matthews Steer are known for.
Among the many celebrations at our recent RER (Recognise Encourage Reward) Awards we marked the retirement of Liz Matthews, our marketing coordinator.
It’s surprising how many people think that because they’ve written their will, the job of estate planning is complete. Estate planning is so much more than just a will. It’s the process of putting your affairs in order now, to ensure your estate is managed efficiently, as you intend it, in the case mental impairment and, ultimately, death.
Anthony Seneca has been named Matthews Steer’s employee of the year at the firm’s annual Recognise, Encourage, Reward (RER) Awards, held at the RACV Club Melbourne on July 21.
Matthews Steer Accountants and Advisors is pleased announce the promotion of Richard Wraith from Senior Principal, Innovation and Grants, to Partner. Richard has been instrumental in leading and professionally developing Matthews Steer’s Innovation and Grants team and expanding and evolving the firm’s government grants advisory offering.
R&D Tax Incentive registrations for FY22 closed on April 30 so, with the end of the financial year approaching, now is the perfect time for early-stage companies to get their R&D Tax Incentive claims prepared.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced the first surplus in 15 years on May 9 in a budget he said aimed to “strike a considered, methodical balance… between spending restraint to keep the pressure off inflation, while doing what we can to help people struggling to make ends meet”. So, what measures does Federal Budget 2023 include that impact Australian businesses?
Following the tragic loss of their daughter Amber in 2022, Richard Wraith, the senior principal of Matthews Steer’s Government Grants Team, and his wife Tamara have done incredible work to set up Amber’s White Light (AWL), a charity that supports research, and implementation of research, into complex mental illness and suicide prevention for teenagers and young adults.
With the end of the financial year rapidly approaching there’s no better time to familiarise yourself with the products nurturing your nest egg. It could help to save you money and maximise the performance of your investment.
Managing Partner of Matthews Steer Accountants and Advisors, Ken Matthews, shares insights, learnings and advice for Melbourne business owners gleaned through his own entrepreneurial journey.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s hotly anticipated Federal Budget 20/21 delivered a number of changes to superannuation that may have implications for family business owners. Here are the ‘super’ headlines you need to be aware of from the ‘coming back’ budget
May’s 2021-22 saw both the announcements of the Federal Budget and Victorian State Budgets, both of which had potential implications for Matthews Steer business clients.
Egg entrepreneurs Josh and Tamsyn Murray were the guests of honour at Matthews Steer’s March Success Stories Breakfast, sharing the story of their award-winning, free-range, ethical egg business.
An innate sense of fiscal responsibility, hands-on approach and determination to be financially independent made Jenny Sadler, our October Success Stories Breakfast guest, one of Australia’s most successful McDonald’s franchisees.
Matthews Steer Partner Adrian Misiano breaks down the perils and pitfalls of failing to whip your business into a sale-ready state, and highlights the value of planning, preparation and strategy when you’re looking to exit.
Matthews Steer, North West Melbourne’s preeminent accounting and advisory firm, has promoted Joseph Seneca to Associate, expanding the firm’s executive team to 11 Partners, one Associate and one Senior Principal.
Australia has a new government for the first time in nine years, so what does Labor’s win mean for your finances from a government funding, tax, and financial planning perspective?
The reality is that The Times They Are A-Changin’ for the majority of Australian businesses and they’re going to need to implement operational changes in order to successfully transition to life – and business – beyond COVID.
Once the territory of bankers and the wealthy middle classes, investing has become more accessible to a broader demographic in recent years. At times this has seen some investment markets (for example share trading) become an emotional place, heavily influenced by the news of the day. That can make embarking on an investment strategy daunting, if not downright scary. But, with the help of a qualified financial advisor, it doesn’t have to be.
Westpac Group’s Chief Economist, Bill Evans, has predicted major challenges for Australia on the fiscal front, with inflation and interest rates on the rise and mortgage rates set to peak at between five and seven percent over the next two years.
While accounting software platforms have the potential to save businesses time, improve accuracy and streamline processes, technology can only do so much. A flesh and blood accountant brings experience, knowledge, strategic know-how and an eye for detail that can help protect you from making costly, detrimental accounting and taxation errors, writes Matthews Steer Accounting Supervisor, Belinda Torr.
The Matthews Steer team was delighted to welcome a packed house for the first Success Stories Breakfast of 2022. Special guest speaker on the day was Laney Quinn, General Manager of Procal, one of the largest dairy companies in Australia.
With a federal election looming, Budget 2022/23 was never going to be radical, nevertheless, Josh Frydenberg’s fiscal roadmap for the next 12 months unveiled a number of initiatives that will have implications and impacts for the Australian economy, and Australian businesses, business owners, industries and sectors.
Retirement is a period of immense change that heralds a very different stage of life to anything you will have experienced previously, and the prospect of retiring can be scary or exciting. Whatever you choose to do in retirement is going to cost money and, as you’ll no longer be able to rely on your employment income, it’s important to have a plan in place.
From 1 November 2021 there are new rules regarding super funds for new employees. If a new employee commences employment and they don't choose a super fund, you will need to request their stapled super fund details from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
The Matthews Steer team was delighted to welcome a socially-distanced in-person capacity crowd to their information-packed Success Stories breakfast on November 12, which featured presentations from Human Resources guru Shanyn Payne, climate and energy policy expert Tennant Reed, and Matthews Steer Government Grants expert Gary Twomey.
Accounting firms are increasingly finding themselves looking inward to solve challenges that arise with changes in the sector, and to deal with the shortcomings of age-old ways of working. This imperative to innovate has impacted the accounting industry in numerous ways, challenging us to do more with less, and leading to the exploration of artificial intelligence solutions and deep dive into data and analytics.
From November 2021, the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) will legally require all Directors (or Alternate Directors) to verify their identity by registering for a Director Identification Number (Director ID).
Planning can be exciting, engaging, and fun to do. Speak to anyone who’s set their sights on a house build or renovation, or a holiday, and they’ll wax lyrical describing every detail they’ve planned down to the second dishwasher in the butler’s pantry or the poolside cocktails they’re intending to consume. Planning, it seems, can be highly enjoyable and, when we’re not wrestling with a global pandemic, a hugely fruitful occupation to devote some time to. So, why then do so many Australian business owners fail to write or refine a formal business plan?
One attribute most businesses share is the desire to build and improve and evolve. In the volatile world in which we now live, maintaining a crystal clear focus on our business intelligence – what we know (or think we know) about our clients, markets and competitors – has become essential to tackling and overcoming the changes and challenges we, as business owners, face on an almost daily basis.
Think a career in accounting is all about the numbers? Think again! Accounting is a diverse field that offers opportunities to apply your talents in a range of areas and industries. And, while a defined career path, and structured professional development – like that offered here at Matthews Steer – is highly prized, that doesn’t mean you have to be pigeonholed. If you opt for public practice accounting, your technical accounting skills can take you in a range of diverse directions, focus areas and specialisations – a career ‘choose your own adventure’ if you like!
Many business owners – from start-ups to SMEs to major enterprises – wish they could delegate the financial oversight of their operations and free themselves up to focus on business development. The problem is, not all businesses can afford to employ a full-time CFO, particularly when they’re just starting out, or they’re undergoing an intensive period of growth. The good news is there is a solution to this catch-22.
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